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Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

Greyhound works to the principle that corporate social responsibility (CSR) "is about the integrity with which a company governs itself, fulfils its mission, lives by its values, engages with its stakeholders and measures its impacts and publicly reports on its activities.

Corporate Social Responsibility Policy PDF Download


Environmental Policy

Wherever possible Greyhound approaches waste management with a positive approach to reduce, re-use and recycle items.

Environmental Policy PDF Download


Modern Slavery Policy

 Our statement on the Modern Slavery Act

This statement is made pursuant to Section 54 (1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (‘the Act’) and sets out the steps that we, Greyhound Chromatography and Allied Chemicals (further referred to as ‘Greyhound Chromatography’)  take to ensure that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place in our supply chain or in any part of our business.

Modern Slavery Policy PDF Download


Privacy Pledge

Greyhound respects the privacy of our customers. We are committed to building customer trust by demonstrating this respect in every aspect of our marketing activities. The pledge below summarizes our promise to you.

The information you provide to Greyhound through our website or any other channel will be used only to provide you with communications that are relevant to your needs and preferences. 

Privacy Pledge PDF Download


Health and Safety Policy

Greyhound implements a health and safety policy to establish and maintain a safe and healthy working environment. It explains how we, as an employer, manage health and safety in our business and ensure that significant risks arising from work activities under our control are eliminated or adequately controlled. 

Health & Safety Policy PDF Download

Contact Us

By Telephone:   +44 (0) 151 649 4000

By Fax:                 +44 (0) 151 649 4001

By Email:             info@greyhoundchrom.com

By Post:                 

Greyhound Chromatography & Allied Chemicals
6 Kelvin Park,
CH41 1LT